Test to Treat

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  • Hoagland Pharmacy has added consultation services to save you time not having to visit a doctor for some common conditions.
  • Available services include:

Anaphylaxis Consultation

Make an appointment with our Pharmacists to see if you are eligible for a prescription for an Epipen or if you should be referred to a doctor or specialist.

Click here to make an appointment

Motion Sickness Consultation

Make an appointment with our Pharmacists to see if you are eligible for prescription for motion sickness medication or if you should be referred to a doctor or specialist.

Click here to make an appointment

Respiratory Testing

Make an appointment to be tested for Flu, COVID, or Strep. Allow our Pharmacists to test and potentially treat you for these conditions based on the results.

Click here to make an appointment

More Services to Come!

Call us for questions at 360-734-5413